Frequently Asked Questions

The Indigenous Health team is part of Northern Health, one of five regional health authorities in British Columbia.

Indigenous Health supports Northern Health in its commitment to:

  • Partner with Indigenous Peoples, and
  • Build a health system that honours diversity and provides culturally safe services.

If you have a question that is not answered below, please email Indigenous.Health@northernhealth.ca

Honorariums for Indigenous Elders or Cultural Leaders

Honorariums are a token of appreciation recognizing knowledge, expertise, and lived experience. For meetings and events you may require an Indigenous Elder or Cultural Leader to provide a traditional protocol such as an opening prayer; a welcome to the territory; or closing a ceremony.

Different types of honorariums include:

  • Cash: Money in any form, which is immediately available, and may include coins, bills, cheques, and any form of electronic fund transfer.
  • Cash equivalent: A monetary item that is usable in place of cash including gift cards and gift certificates.

The Administrative Policy and Procedure: Honorariums (PDF) document gives direction on suggested honorarium rates for different time commitments. Honorariums are paid out of each department’s individual budget. If you have questions about honorariums or are unsure of the amount to provide please discuss with your direct manager.

For more information and to access forms please visit MyNH or click on the resources below: 

Is Indigenous Health the same as the First Nations Health Authority?

Indigenous Health is distinct from the First Nations Health Authority. However, we collaborate, coordinate, and integrate our health programs and services to achieve better health outcomes for BC First Nations.

The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is a provincial health authority that plans, designs, manages, and funds the delivery of First Nations health programs and services in BC, including the First Nations Health Benefits.

FNHA Health Benefits Program

The FNHA Health Benefits Program provides status First Nations people living in BC with a comprehensive and community-driven health benefits plan.​

The FNHA Health Benefits Program is administered through the First Nations Health Authority. General information including a program overview and eligibility criteria can be found on the FNHA website.

Questions can be sent to:

Health Benefits
540 – 757 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1A1

Phone (toll-free): 1-855-550-5454
Email: healthbenefits@fnha.ca
Fax: 1-888-299-9222
Web: Benefits

In-person enquiries:
Note: Currently closed to external guests
#701 –1166 Alb​​​erni Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3Z3

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