Northeast AHIC

Northeast Aboriginal Health Improvement Committee



If you would like to learn more about this AHIC or bring a health care issue to the committee's attention, contact:

Lori Hornland
Administrative Assistant for NE Director of Specialized Services
Northern Health

Kendra Kiss
Health Services Administrator
Northern Health

Local cultural resources:

Treaty 8 First Nations Protocols for Health Research: Principles & Protocols a Pocket Guide

This resource comes from the Northeast Aboriginal Health Improvement Committee Treaty 8 Frist Nations: Protocols for Health Research Report that was completed in May 2015 (linked below). This resource is intended for health care practitioners and outlines health-related principles and protocols when working with Treaty 8 First Nations communities.


Treaty 8 Principles guide cover


Northeast British Columbia Aboriginal Community Health Resources Booklet

This booklet was designed with physicians working in the Northeast region in mind. The booklet contains contact information for each of the First Nations and Aboriginal communities in the Northeast as well as available health services and the frequency of services the community receives and was updated March 2019.

Northeast health resource guide cover

Treaty 8 First Nations: Protocols for Health Research Report

A 40 page report including historical context of Treaty 8 First Nations, Indigenous health perspectives, principles and protocols, and a variety of recommendations.

Treaty 8 First Nations research cover


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