Northwest East (Smithers and Area) IHIC

Northwest East (Smithers and Area) Aboriginal Health Improvement Committee


The Northwest East (Smithers and Area) IHIC is administered out of the Bulkley Valley and Wrinch Memorial Hospitals. If you would like to learn more about this IHIC or bring a health care issue to the committee's attention, contact:

Shar McCrory
Administrative Assistant (Hazelton)

Kimberly Garvin
Administrative Assistant (Smithers)

Cormac Hikisch 
Health Services Administrator (Bulkley Valley & Stikine) 

Suzanne Campbell
Health Services Administrator (Hazelton) 

Local cultural resources:

Gitxsan Phrase Book for Health Care Providers Volume Two: Gitxsanimx or Sim’algax( sim-ahlgah) Language of Gitxsan

This Gitxsan phrase booklet provides new words and phrases focusing on body parts and functions. It is meant to assist physicians, nurses, and health care providers in providing culturally safe care at Wrinch Memorial Hospital (WMH) from the Northwest East Indigenous Health Improvement Committee to honour and support their ongoing commitment to cultural safety for Gitxsan people.

Gitxsan phrase book cover

Gitxsan Phrase Posters for Health Care Providers

This series of three posters are pulled from the Gitxsan Phrase Book for Health Care Providers Volume Two. The posters are a gift from the Northwest East Indigenous Health Improvement Committee and feature a female, male, and hand images

Hanak Woman graphic
Gyat Man graphic
Name of fingers graphic

Gitxsan Phrase Book for Health Care Providers Volume One: Gitxsanimx or Sim’algax( sim-ahlgah) Language of Gitxsan

This Gitxsan phrase booklet is a gift to health care providers at Wrinch Memorial Hospital (WMH) from the Northwest East Indigenous Health Improvement Committee to honour and support their ongoing commitment to cultural safety for Gitxsan people.

Gitxsan Cultural Practices

The booklet Gitxsan cultural practices with births, near death and upon death of a Gitxsan person provides information about Gitxsan cultural practices with births, near death, and upon the death of a Gitxsan person. It includes tips for hospital and health workers on how to approach these important life transitions for Gitxsan community members.


True North submcomitee

The IHIC agreed to set up a Northern IHIC Sub-committee comprised of  the communities (and their representatives) of Iskut, Telegraph Creek, Good Hope Lake, Dease Lake, Lower Post, and possibly Taku River Tlingit (Atlin).The Northern IHIC Sub-Committee will meet at least 3 times/year, 2-3 times via teleconference, and once in June of each year in person.

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