
Welcome to First Nations and Métis Chartered Communities maps

Indigenous Health is pleased to release our First Nations and Métis Chartered Communities maps. This initiative was undertaken collaboratively, involving comprehensive engagement with health directors, the Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC), communities, and nations to ensure the accuracy of names, spelling, and locations. The communities named are within the overall Northern Health geographic location.

The Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) represents over 27,000 registered members and 39 chartered communities across the province. MNBC is dedicated to developing and enhancing opportunities for Métis Chartered Communities, advocating for Métis rights, and providing programs and services that support the cultural, social, and economic well-being of Métis citizens. For more information, visit the MNBC website.

The BC Assembly of First Nations (BCAFN) works to advance the rights and interests of First Nations in British Columbia. BCAFN supports First Nations through initiatives focused on climate resilience, economic development, and the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. They also provide funding opportunities to support a range of activities and projects within First Nations communities. For more details, visit the BCAFN website.

Please find the updated maps below. We trust you will find them both informative and useful.


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